The Decolonization of Social Sciences in Pakistan 

Are you someone interested in challenging colonial legacies within social sciences? Are you interested in decolonizing bureaucratic thought to pave the way to modern governance in Pakistan? Is your research focused on the intersection of governance and decolonization? Do you believe in the power of indigenous knowledge and perspectives? Are you passionate about reshaping social sciences to better reflect local contexts and realities? Do you want to contribute to a broader understanding of decolonization beyond traditional academic boundaries? Are you eager to collaborate on projects that seek to dismantle power imbalances in academia? Are you looking for opportunities to engage in interdisciplinary research that addresses pressing social issues? Do you see yourself as part of a global conversation on decolonizing social sciences? If yes, let's get started by plotting your info on the map!

Rabia Akhtar, Academic Entrepreneur, DSSP Lead

Rabia Akhtar is the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Lahore, where she has established herself as a visionary leader and academic entrepreneur. A Professor of International Relations, she is the driving force behind the Centre for Security, Strategy, and Policy Research (CSSPR) and the School of Integrated Social Sciences (SISS), both of which are her innovative projects aimed at reshaping academic discourse and policy research in Pakistan.

Dr. Akhtar holds a PhD in Security Studies from Kansas State University and Master's degrees in International Relations from Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, and in Political Science from Eastern Illinois University, USA. Her research has spanned critical areas such as South Asian nuclear security, deterrence dynamics, emerging technologies, media disinformation, and Pakistan’s foreign policy.

She is the editor of CPEC Beyond 2030: A Green Alliance for Sustainable Development, published by FES Pakistan in August 2024, underscoring her commitment to fostering regional cooperation and sustainable development. In 2018, Dr. Akhtar authored The Blind Eye: U.S. Non-proliferation Policy Towards Pakistan from Ford to Clinton , showcasing her expertise as a nuclear historian.

As the Editor of Pakistan Politico, Pakistan's pioneering strategic and foreign affairs magazine, another one of her projects, Dr. Akhtar continues to influence public discourse. Her policy experience includes serving as a member of Prime Minister Imran Khan's Advisory Council on Foreign Affairs from 2018 to 2022. She is a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the South Asia Center, Atlantic Council, Washington DC, and a Nonresident Fellow at BASIC, UK. She is currently a Visiting Fellow at the Project for Managing The Atom at the Belfer Center, Harvard Kennedy School for 2024-2025.

Her global reach extends to teaching roles at the NATO Defence College, the NPIHP Nuclear Bootcamp in Rome, and ISODARCO in Andalo, Italy. Through her role as an academic entrepreneur, Dr. Akhtar continues to push the boundaries of knowledge and policy innovation in Pakistan and beyond.


LinkedIn: Rabia Akhtar

Ahmed Khan, CS @ UMass, Developer of DSSP

Hi! I'm Ahmed, a junior at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst studying Computer Science.

Origin of DSSP

The idea was initiated by Dr. Rabia Akhtar, who reached out with a vision to create a platform that could bring together minds from around the world. Through brainstorming and collaboration, this concept evolved into the application you see today.

Development Process

The journey from idea to reality involved several key processes. Initially, we focused on actualizing the concept by determining how to implement functionality that connects users. This included gathering input and conducting tests with a diverse group of individuals, followed by continuous refinement based on their feedback and experiences.

Our Achievement

We're proud to present an application that we believe truly embodies our initial vision. It represents not just technological innovation, but a step towards creating a more inclusive and diverse approach to social sciences. We invite you to explore, engage, and contribute to this growing global community!


LinkedIn: Ahmed Khan